It’s been a little over a year since I have put an offer on a Mile End condo while sitting on a bench at Café Olimpico just steps away. Magically, amid the chaos of the bidding wars, my offer was accepted within hours.
While my taste in the Montreal real estate has changed over the years (hello, century triplex!), the love for Mile End remained constant ever since I discovered it on a hot August afternoon in the summer of 2014. That time, I biked here from St-Henri with two friends; we stopped for a sandwich at Boucherie Lawrence, got a latte freddo at Olimpico, and walked the streets for hours. The condo I finally bought is on the second floor of a century triplex about halfway from Boucherie Lawrence to Olimpico. Some details may still need to be ironed out, but the overall look is mostly complete. Here are some pictures taken throughout the year.
The mushroom coffee table next to the arm chair (Article) is an old EQ3 design, and it came with me from St-Henri. It does not really fit this apartment except for every other Thursday, when we get a take-out order from Sushi Yen, a hidden gem on Van Horne, and eat them on this table while watching TV. The top of the table rotates 19” high.
TV (The Frame by Samsung) is the first TV I own in 15 years. I mostly got it for aesthetic reasons, because it does not look like a TV, but, surprisingly, have been enjoying it for its primary function.